Monday, February 21, 2011


Posted by Candace

David and I passed our physicals! We got A+s :). God is absolutely, positively amazing!!! Yet somehow in the midst of my rejoicing my heart breaks for my friends... Sweet Kate is back to treatments, back to dealing with cancer unknowns, and wondering if she will make it past 8. My resiliant and courageous friend, Paula, lost her baby this week. A baby conceived from a marriage of new beginnings...a baby of hope. And my compassionate friend, Erin is watching helplessly as her mother faces yet another battle with cancer. In all this pain and sorrow, I wonder how God expects us to be able to go on. I know He can and will show His glory through all of this, but I can't help but selfishly wish there was no need... I guess we all have a very human side, and we have to believe that God knows and sympathizes with that side of us. That He walks the road with us... side by side... hand in hand. That we are NEVER alone. Is that enough for those suffering? Well, those of you who know Christ, please tell me the last time He has NOT been faithful. I will go to my grave trusting in that faithfulness.

I was asked today how to donate to our adoption process. I hadn't really even thought of it... not because we are rich, but I just figured that since God was leading us to do this, He would provide the resources. But I also don't want to overlook any way that He might like to do that. So if He puts it in your heart to be a part of this journey we are on, then by all means, feel free to give. I have a savings account open that we are using for the adoption funds. You can mail any donations to 5038 Brookstone Ln Loganville, GA 30052 and just label them "Sydney and Kate" :). I will make sure and keep track so that I can send you a special picture of the girls when they come home... proof that you were a part of something in God's plan bigger than us! Is there anything better?

Our adoption coordinator is in the process of mailing us home study packets, so March will be filled with complying with the state of GA. Please pray that we get our "i"s dotted and our "t"s crossed. We continue to take this process one day at a time, praying that it will be as short and smooth as possible... and if and when the roadblocks come, God will glorify His name through them.