Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Agenda of Jesus

Posted by Candace

"Then Jesus came near to them and said, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to OBSERVE EVERYTHING I have COMMANDED you.  And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.'"  Matthew 28:18-20

Contrary to popular opinion, even in the church, social justice was never Jesus’ point...making disciples is.  As a matter of fact, Jesus was very clear that the poor would always be with us.  There is a huge difference in social justice and making disciples.  Social justice will always require compromise...making disciples requires us to be uncompromising.  Social justice will scream for unity...making disciples will divide brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters.  Social justice will pull at the heart strings of society…making disciples will bring persecution from society.  Social justice will often use guilt as a fundraising tool… making disciples will convict the world of sin and unrighteousness.  Social justice will leave behind some kind of visible temporary change or betterment….making disciples will leave behind an eternal impact and legacy that is not always seen in a change of circumstance. 

World Vision announced publicly yesterday that they are now hiring homosexuals as long as they are married because you cannot work for this organization if you are an adulterer.  Richard Stearns is a smart man, I've read his book.  Unity of Christians could NOT be the intention here.  I'm not sure what is, but it's not unity of the Church.  He's got to know that this will separate far more Christians than it will ever unite (I've just read 4 different blogs on the subject that were EXTREME differing opinions from Christians).  But still he claims it is unity they are after.  Then he says that they are not condoning a lifestyle or taking sides on this issue, but leaving it to the church.  Wha??  Like I said, he's a smart man.  I don't think he can really believe his own reasoning.  And in this case, whether I agree with the decision or not, he has given reason not to trust this organization.  This all makes me very sad...World Vision has done great work around the world in the Name of Christ.  However, I think by picking and choosing which standards of the Bible to abide by, they have put themselves in dangerous territory.  As an organization that influences many, many Christians around the world, they have just become a proponent of same sex marriage whether they wanted to or not.  Don't think for a moment, this will not be used in many ways to advance the Devil's agenda to water down the Gospel (because after all the power of the blood of Jesus is not strong enough to save us from homosexual tendencies, we just have to accept those and get married so we can be saved from our adulterer tendencies). We can give all we have to feed the poor, and our bodies to be burned but if we exchange truth for a lie, we aren't really loving and it is all for naught.  "Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth."  I might be on the wrong side of the spin ("The poor suffer while Christians resist condoning gay marriage"), but when I think about what Jesus would do (like everyone is suggesting we do), I just don't see Him making a public statement like World Vision's.  You remember that ONE tree in the garden that the Lord told Adam and Eve not to touch.  It only took that one piece of fruit to change EVERYTHING.  There are many uncompromising organizations out there that are making disciples for Christ and reaching the poor around the world with the unadulterated Gospel.  World Vision has just moved itself into the category of social justice.