Wednesday, October 31, 2012

To the One with Nothing Left to Give

Posted by Candace

I woke up this morning completely burnt out and exhausted.  Zombies have better mornings, I'm afraid (Hey! Maybe I won't need a costume tonight :).  The past week and a half has been grueling and chaotic.  Packing for a move is a never ending task that gets in the way of already busy days.  My laundry is piled to the ceiling ready to be put away...and until then, in the way.  I am teaching two different grades of school to boys who feel like school is "in the way" of their complete happiness.  My two year old daughter's frequent wake up calls are getting in the way of a much needed full night's sleep.  I still have job responsibilities in the midst of all of this that get in the way of any extra down time I might be able to squeeze out.  There is just much "in the way" these days.

Thing is, I know that all of this will pass.  I know that chaos will not reign forever and that even now it is ultimately for our blessing.  I know that I have soooo much to be grateful for.  I know that I will miss these days...well, maybe not these exact days...but days of busy motherhood, when they are gone.  Still, I am tired.  I spend my days giving in one way or another.  Mom's are built to be givers.  We love it.  Everyone expects it.  It's what we do... but even the best of us run out.  We are not a bottomless well of generosity.  We must be drawing on something or someone.

I, erroneously, like to draw from my husband.  He is such a strong personality.  He rarely wavers.  I like to feel that strength, to be in the vicinity of it.  I love it when he comes home and takes over and protects me from giving beyond what I am able.  So when he is also strained beyond his means, I am often "put out".  How can he abandon me when I need him most?  How can he "escape" off to work when I am so obviously floundering to get through another day?  How can he use all of his energies on everyone else and then come home expecting me to give some more?  See how selfish I become when he is my source.  My expectations become impossible and my well stay completely dry.  My best friend suffers my undeserved and often hidden bitterness, and death begins to reign in our household, not life.  When this happens, ugliness comes out of my soul that I am ashamed is in there.  I lash out, forgetting that my predicament is my own fault.  (I hope you can read between the lines and find the sincere apology in this, my love. So sorry.)

It is so easy for us to forget that we don't have to live like this. We have a source that never runs dry.  He stands by waiting for us to remember... to turn and look full into His face.  When we do, everything around us grows strangely dim.  It no longer matters that I have another "packed to the brim" day to get through or that I will be needed every moment of it.  I remember that I have a cross to lay those burdens at.  I remember that I have a Lover who will listen intently as I pour out all of my complaints.  I remember that I have a Well that will pour into me as I pour into others.  It is not automatic, dear sisters, we must turn to receive.  We must lay down our victim mentalities and our desire to hang onto our day as we see it.  We must allow God to speak.  We must lay down our pride and our noise and our "pet escapes" and our schedules.  We must turn to the only One who can fill us.

This morning I turned.  I am desperate for Him on my best days, so I have learned on my worst ones to quickly get over myself and cry out.  He looked at me lovingly, held my face in His Hands, and said, "Go take a shower and shave your legs."  I promise He did.  And I obeyed and after I obeyed, I felt a little more ability to give welling up inside of me.  I am running behind "schedule" (we use that word very lightly around here), but I took the time to write this morning, because I am continually amazed at the smallest benefits of serving such a Great God.  If you don't have anything left to give, turn, listen, and obey.  He knows exactly what you need today and only He can give it.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Top 10 REASONS to Send OBAMA Packing

Posted by Candace

I hate to ostracize anyone from my blog with a political post, but I guess if my complete adoration for Jesus Christ has not turned you off to me, than this probably won't either. 
1.       Libya – this is really the only reason I should need to give.  His state department ignored several direct requests from the Libya ambassador to beef up security, get him out of there, or foil the plot that was in the works.  As a result there was a planned terror attack on US soil in Libya where the ambassador and 3 US Seal were killed.  The White House then tries to “spin” the story and blame it on a random film against Muslims.  The media is talking for days about how this film has caused chaos in the Middle East.  This whole situation proves the incompetence of our current administration.

2.       Other Foreign Policy – He publicly turns his nose up at Israel and goes on a late night talk show.  He makes it clear that Israel isn’t any more important to us than any other country.  I guess we are going to become socialist in our friendships too…no best friends, no enemies.  He doesn’t really believe in terror and believes that it only takes a good sit down to change hatred into love…and if that doesn’t work, let’s just give in to some demands…say we aren’t a Christian nation (yeah, maybe that will make them stop attacking us, since they hate Christians)…water down our values and our boundaries.  Dangerous, dangerous ground we are on in the one true job of our government, which is to protect us.

3.       Middle Class Hype – While the President and his wife are out yelling to the hilltops that the middle class is dwindling and touting their plan to rob from the “rich” to give to the poor, they are also staying in the most luxurious accommodations around the world, taking vacations, playing golf, etc.  It has been estimated that Michelle Obama just on her own has spent over 10 million dollars in the past 4 years on five star hotels, transport, massages, site seeing, and shopping.  You would think that if they are so worried about the hard-working middle class, they would show more respect for our tax dollars.  Seriously, does anyone really believe that someone cares about the hard-working middle class when they are living the “high” life to the fullest extent right in front of our eyes.  Are we that stupid?? 
4.       Executive Orders – The President has issued 96 executive orders in his 4 years in office.  This is far, far more than any other president.  His Justice Department has frequently gone around and run right over Congress to get its way.  He has the mindset of an idealistic dictator and will stop at almost nothing to carry out his goals for America.  If you would like to know what those are read his book or watch 2016… it is quite eye opening and even more terrifying that we ever could have elected this guy in the first place.  He claims that the gloves would come off in his next term.  Heaven forbid!

5.       Government Waste – I am SOOOO tired of my hard earned money being wasted!!  This administration has done nothing but make it worse.  The stimulus money did very little to stimulate the economy, but sure did hold up traffic in a lot of places to resurface roads that were just fine.  Michelle Obama’s new mandate on healthy school lunches has seen most children’s food thrown in the trash…next they will pass a bill mandating that health food be shoved down their throats.  Money is being thrown into government programs that never have a chance of working.  You cannot force people to make right choices and money will not change stupidity.   The waste of funds that we see every day is sickening (this goes for ALL administrations and Congress too!!) Oh, and the czars… Obama has 32 of them.  Never mind that the very word “czar” means “emperor or king”.  They all seem to have salaries of $100,000 to $200,000 a year… how very middle class of them.  There’s a great list of them on the internet.  Czars have NO business in American government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

6.       Economy – Blah, blah, blah, blah… yes, he inherited a crisis, 4 years ago.  When does that stop being an excuse?  Are we any better than when he took office?  People are still out of work everywhere.  People I know that have every ability in the world to work are riding out unemployment to its end…which now a days can be up to two years.  More companies are farming out jobs overseas.  His answer… raise taxes on the “rich”, of course.  This might sound quite noble at first.  Never mind that a good majority of these “rich” already pay most of the taxes that the government brings in each year.  Never mind that some of these “rich” are small business owners that have to claim their business earnings along with their personal earnings.  So us for example… David, as a small business owner, makes less than $75,000 a year, but his company might show to make $300,000 in any given year (all of this goes out to bills, overhead, etc. but the government doesn’t care**)… we have to pay in the “rich” tax bracket… and then drive past fast food restaurants that are now taking food stamps.  We work HARD for our money… and we don’t need to be forced to give it to the government so they can waste it.  We give to multiple charities of our choice already.  Places that are accountable and actually making a difference.  America is a country to which you can come with nothing and the possibilities be endless.  We are completely ruining human motivation, ingenuity, and creativity with this leveling the playing field crap.  We are quickly losing our greatest resource…FREEDOM.

7.       Social Issues – Obama claims to want less abortion, but he recently defunded Catholic organizations for their pro-life stance… these same Catholic organizations were making headway in the sex trafficking problem in the US, something else Obama says he cares about… Yet, tax payer money is being poured into Planned Parenthood, a corrupt and angry organization, and the gloves are coming off.  The new healthcare bill funds abortions with tax payer money and I don’t think they are going to listen to, “I’m sorry, IRS, but it is against my religion to support murder with my money.”  Do you have a pro-choice mindset?  I dare you to watch October Baby and not have something pull at your heart.  People around me are an inconvenience to me every day, but it is against the law and my conscience to kill them… why is this different for our most vulnerable citizens?  Life is the core of any great nation’s belief system.  Roe vs. Wade is wrong.  It has killed millions and millions of future artists, musicians, doctors, teachers, leaders… it may have even killed a better presidential candidate then the ones we are looking at today.  Who knows what greatness was in the lives that have been ended for the sake of saving someone the trouble… but Obama is quoted “I would never punish my daughters with a baby.”  Is this how a great leader talks of his flesh and blood grandchildren?

8.       War – What it is good for? Absolutely nothing.  Sounds ideal to do away with war, with the need for defense, with weapons that threaten other countries, but bottom line…evil exists.  You can sell your soul to it, but you can’t talk it into peace.  The people out there that hate America, the only reason they need is that it is a great country and they want to bring it down to their level.  They are getting plenty of help from our president.  One of the first things he tried to do as president was do away with Guantanamo Bay prison and give terrorists the same rights as American citizens.  Then he did away with the program that keeps up with our defense weapons that would protect us from any nuclear strike.  He said these were too aggressive and we needed to be the example for peace.  I don’t know about you, but when a criminal is pointing a gun at you, you don’t throw yours down hoping that he will do the same.  Everybody hates war.  But war is a fact of life.  Freedom is something we will fight for until America’s dying day (which may not be too far away).  If they can’t have it, they want no one to have it.  War is ugly but necessary.  Some things are worth fighting for.

9.       Obamacare – he was smart to have this not truly go into effect until after the election.  This plan is not only going to put us deeper in debt as a nation, but it is going to destroy our healthcare system.  This was only a sneaky way to universal healthcare and it was shoved through with the most obvious and blatant show of vote buying that we have ever witnessed.  What happens when every insurance company in America has to honor “no preexisting conditions”?  Prices of healthcare will skyrocket.  People who are mandated to have healthcare will not be able to afford private insurance and will be forced to go with the government plan…how convenient.  Soon private healthcare will be bankrupt and I seriously doubt the government will bail them out.  Once private healthcare is out of the way, we are stuck with what we get.  Doctors and nurses are already flocking to career plan B.  Can you imagine when our doctor’s offices and hospitals are government ran and controlled?  Let me give you a mental picture… the tag office, the health department, the post office, DFaCS, etc.  It will be a “hit or miss” type of risk you will be taking with your health.  But as one woman from Canada said who had just spent 2 weeks in the hospital having a baby “You’ll love it!  It’s free!”  


10.   Immigration – I am all for being a “Melting Pot”, but our borders are quickly melting.  The federal government has even blocked states from protecting their own borders.  Yes, protecting our borders is one of the most important government jobs, so why aren’t they doing it?  Why are illegal aliens flooding our country and not fearing any consequences while people stand in line to become citizens the right and legal way.  In our new world of terrorist threats and attacks, why are we more worried about offending someone by asking for their driver’s license than we are about keeping our country safe and respected.  No one respects our rules any more.  Try to sneak into any other country in the world illegally and see what happens.  It seems like we are taking away freedom from the honest people and giving it to the dishonest. 

Being a law abiding, hard-working citizen is no longer rewarded.  David and I were recently trying to refinance our house to secure a lower interest rate.  We were told that the only way we could get this lower interest rate was to produce $50,000 which is the difference in what we owe on our house and what it now appraises for or be behind a few payments on our mortgage.  Oh, that encourages people to be honest.  We chose to stay with our over blown payment, but we know many people would have stopped paying their mortgage payment for a few months.  You might as well avoid getting promoted at your job or hiring more employees and growing your small business, because you are just going to be paying any extra money you make to the government and guess what, they get to use it any way that they see fit… parties, incidentals, luxury “business” trips, unnecessary employees, worthless government programs… anything that they want.  And they are accountable to no one, but us… on Election Day… This one day, the government sits in front of its people for its “review”.  Just this once, I agree with Mr. Trump… President Obama, you’re fired.

**Correction: David corrected me on my writing about his business tax world. Small business owners pay a personal tax rate on their personal income + all company "profit" in the form of K-1's. These "profits" are figured AFTER bills, overhead, etc., not before. For example, if all of David's S Corporations make $150K profit this year, he has to pay taxes on roughly $225K, putting him dangerously close to the "evil rich" that Obama/Biden refer to... This is not reality because he does not get that extra profit personally. It must be used for cash flow, investment, etc. etc.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Huge Roberts' News

Posted by Candace

God speaks. He plans. He leads. He makes it clear when we ask.

Last year, David and I felt like God was calling us to homeschool. This was a huge deal for us because I had always said that I would NEVER homeschool. I don't feel that I have anywhere near the teaching abilities and skills that the boys were getting at their incredible school. We were in love with that school and I had prayed every year that God would allow the boys to graduate from there, so it was very odd when suddenly I had the desire to teach the boys myself. But we took the leap of faith and decided to withdraw the boys at the end of the year.

Not long after that, we felt a strong leading to leave our fairly new church. We could not figure out why we were having such a hard time. The church was great, the truth was preached, the people were fab, but we could not get comfortable. We had many discussions, we tried to get involved, we knew we were needed, but we just kept hearing God say "this is not the place to settle down."

Time passed and we were feeling quite isolated and not sure what direction to head in. We had just ostracized ourselves from any weekly community and we had no leads on God's plan for all of this. The boys had been very attached to their school, but gradually had time to come around to the idea of trying something new. Thank goodness that their best friends are neighbors and God had planted us in an AMAZING neighborhood of people, because it would have been much harder to make these transitions without that... and Facebook ;).

After we came home with Kate, our frustration levels had gone to an all time high. David was not happy with his job. I was praying desperately for community. We were all unsure of where the next school year would take us. It was rough waters with the one bright spot of Kate (which seemed to outweigh all the rest on most days. What a gift!). One day, in a moment of pure irritation, I sent an email to David that said "Let's just move!" I got back a response of "You literally cannot imagine how many times that thought has crossed my mind. I have a very different perspective on that concept now than I used to… I am sincerely praying that God will be clear on what is next in that part of our live (or our entire life for that matter…)."

Wow. Wasn't expecting that. We actually started considering moving. This is a huge change of heart because just weeks prior to this we had been discussing the options of an above ground pool for the summers. We had often discussed how we would be in this house at least until the kids were grown and how God had provided enough room for all our future adopted kids :). I had often prayed that my boys would be rooted and grounded in the same community their whole lives because I had to move so much as a child and was never in the same school for more than 2 years until high school when everyone has already established strong bonds and friendships. This was a huge consideration for us. We threw out possibilities at random, one of which was Florida...or Hawaii...who wouldn't want God to call them there?

We could never have expected what would happen next. It still has our minds blown sometimes. We had scheduled a trip to Albany, GA on a whim. We were going to meet Kate's caseworker who helped us tremendously through our adoption process and who was much of the encouragement that I needed to make the China trip. Even a week before this trip I was not particularly excited about going. I am too embarrassed to even admit the thoughts that went through my head about South Georgia. Needless to say, it was not one of my top vacation spots. Sadly, I think the only thing that caused me not to back out was a free family picture session to get our first family pics done (no offense, Emily! I love you!).

Long story short, our first trip to Albany was amazing. We fell in love with Jay and Emily and found out he was a pastor at a church up the street from them. The moment we walked into Sherwood we were hooked. Not at all because it is famous (This is the church that produced "Facing the Giants" and "Fireproof" and "Courageous") or because we got to take pictures with actors who are also faithful servants of Jesus or even because it is beautiful and big. It was because we walked in and felt like we were home. The Presence of God was there and we could tell immediately that this church cares about following Jesus with its every move. It was just icing on the cake that it was the perfect blend of what David and I had been searching for in a community of worshippers. We almost had to drag David out of the sanctuary to leave.

While we were there, we joked about God asking us to move there. We saw a beautiful rainbow that seemed to be directly over the church and we laughed about signs and promises. We bantered back and forth about knats and 100 degree temperatures. We never could have expected that this was the planting of something huge in our lives.

Three weeks later we were back. It seems that David had suddenly received multiple large projects to quote in South Georgia, all of them an hour or less away from, wait for it.... Albany. We decided to go with him for the weekend. We enjoyed more wonderful time with our new friends, and an incredible church service once again. This time we really felt like God was doing something, but we had no idea how He would work out any details. We still had David's company and our under market value house to think about. God had some miracles to do if He was calling us to Albany. However, right in front of our eyes we started to see God pulling all the pieces of the puzzle together that we had been trying to figure out for months. We could no longer ignore the whisperings in our spirits...and we didn't want to. We decided to start praying in this direction and see what God would do.

As we were praying, we mapped out the recent jobs that David had quoted and realized that they did almost a complete circle around Albany. We talked to David's mom and she said she would be willing to rent our house if God kept leading this direction. So we decided to take another trip to Albany for the express purpose of looking at houses.

Man, this is a long story, even though I am so shortening it. If you have made it this far, you must really care about our family and what God is thank you!!! I would love to hear that you have read the whole thing 'cause it is starting to feel a little bit like a writing marathon at this point.

We went back down to Albany three weeks after our second trip to meet with a real estate agent and look at houses. We were just looking for God to open or close the door. We fell in love with the first house we looked at. The boys loved it much so that they were excited about the thought of moving. It was wide open and gorgeous and had just enough room. We looked at 9 other houses that day, but none compared with the first one. Was this what God had for us?

The next day at church, we were describing this house to Jay and telling him how much he loved it. He said "That is the house." You see, on our first trip to Albany, Jay and Emily had mentioned how they had tried to sell their 3 bedroom 1700 square foot house for a year with no success (Did I mention that they have 5 kids? Yes, 7 people in this space for years). They had recently taken it off the market to refinance because God just did not seem to be moving them. In the midst of all of this, a house went on the market that they had loved for years. This house used to belong to the senior pastor of Sherwood. When it went on the market, his daughter had texted Emily and told her it was up for sale and she would love for them to buy it. They couldn't, though, because they had not sold their house. This house is the very same one we had looked at and fell in love with. The price had just been reduced on it too. I looked at Jay and said, "We are not buying Emily's house!" Jay tried to reassure us that the house was not theirs and they had no claim on it at all and obviously God had not moved, so they would love for us to consider it, but we could read the disappointment. We did not know it yet, but Jay had literally filled out a prayer request and laid it on the altar that morning about their house situation.

All through service I struggled inwardly. We all loved that house. It was gonna make the move easier on the boys. If we were going to have to live in Albany, I wanted it to be in that house. Yet I knew in my heart what God was saying. I argued with Him all through service. I even told Him that I was not the one He needed to convince, it was David. I was so sure that David would never go for what I felt God was telling me.

After service, on the way out to our car, I turned to David and I said, "Do you think God might want us to buy Jay and Emily's house?" I was completely expecting him to say, "What in the world are you talking about?" Instead what came out of his mouth was "God was saying the exact same thing to me all through service." Well, that settled it. If I have learned one thing in my lifetime, it is NEVER to directly disobey God's voice (and no, David, I am not referring to you as God ;). No matter how much you love or are attached to something on this earth, it NEVER works out for the best. Anything that makes you disobey is an idol and needs to be dealt with before it wreaks havoc in God's plans for your life.

We told Jay and Emily our plans (or better yet, God's plans) that afternoon. Emily had actually already scheduled to meet a real estate agent out at that house the next week just completely on faith. We were blown away at the timing of all of this, especially considering that we had come to Albany on a whim that weekend. As we were making the 3 hour drive home, Jay called David and further blew our minds. Evidently, a local pastor had called up the Sherwood pastor that day and told him that one of his congregation members was putting in an offer on this house that weekend. Jay and Emily put in a full offer that Monday and it was accepted over 2 other offers. If it hadn't have been that exact weekend, they would have lost the house. How GREAT is our God?!? No man could have ever worked out timing so intricately.

This was all in August. Since then we have been trying to get a second loan on Jay and Emily's house as we could obviously not sell our house in this market. We were pretty much denied on the first loan we applied for and it left us questioning everything that had happened to that point. Was this really God's plan or did we just make all this stuff up? We stood strong in faith believing that our finite minds could have never come up with such a plan. Finally, yesterday a second loan came through and was approved. This is a complete miracle in the current economic climate where people are walking away from their homes. We were obviously downsizing and moving 3 hours away, so any bank could have looked at that as a plan to abandon our current house payment. Even in the waiting God provided. When Jay and Emily put a contract on their new home, they only had a month to close without penalty, but obviously had to wait for us to close first. Their time should have been up in September, but the seller kept delaying to make repairs. Now we should close at very near the same time and without penalty or loss of contract.

So short story very long, we are moving to Albany. David's mom will rent out our house. I am so excited for her to finally have a big enough place to entertain our growing extended family. Plus she will be closer to most of her children and only 15 minutes from a drive to work that used to take her over an hour. David will be starting a new branch of Ascend in Albany. We are not sure what this looks like yet, but know that God will provide. He will be up to his main branch weekly for meetings and such. We will be able to stay in our own basement when we come for visits and such. There are just so many things that God has worked out in all of this.

I want to use all of this to encourage someone.  God DOES have a plan.  Even when it doesn't look like it or seem like it, if you can just grab on to faith and believe that no matter what you "see" He will come through...He will.  Keep asking, keep knocking, keep waiting patiently.  Don't try to work it out yourself...don't start worrying or fretting... don't panic or give in to doubt.  He IS working.  We are living proof.  There is NOTHING special about us except the fact that we desire to follow Jesus with our whole heart.  When your desire becomes for His Name and Renown more than anything else, crazy things start happening.

We don't have an exact move date, but it will be in the next couple of weeks. Please be in prayer for us as we make this huge transition. David has never lived outside of metro Atlanta and we are leaving all of our family and close friends behind. This will be truly starting over for us. We need your prayer support. Thank you for loving us enough to read all the way to the end. We love you too!