Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Meet Naomi Grace...

Posted by Candace

So it had been two weeks since we submitted our LOI (letter of intent) for Yang Jieling, so I decided to email our agency this morning and ask if we had heard anything yet.  I really didn't expect anything to come of it, because these things are fairly uncontrollable for the agency and this is a waiting game, but I was pleasantly surprised when I just received an email back a few minutes ago with a PREAPPROVAL ATTACHED!!!!  Yay!  Yang Jieling...Naomi Grace...is OURS...or will be ours in a few months.

I am so excited to introduce this precious girl to you.  She will be two on April 19th and we may have just enough time to send her a birthday present :).  Her "special need" is microtia which is the missing ear that you see in these pictures.  She may or may not have a fully developed ear underneath that precious skin, but either way we are sooooo excited to welcome her into our family.  She was actually left when she was 3 months old which makes us wonder if maybe her family just could not afford the medical care that she needed.  She was left with a note that stated her name and birthdate.  Please pray that this note will be given to us when we go get her.  What a precious thing to be able to give our daughter when she is older!  As grieved and saddened as I am that adoption is necessary, I am just as privileged and humbled and excited that God has once again chosen our family for this precious gift.  Kate is SO EXCITED to have a sister.

We fully expect God will provide for this call financially, so if He lays us on your heart and you would like to be a part of Naomi's redemption, you can click on the link above this blog to contribute via GoFundMe.  We are grateful for any contribution you can give, but above all else, we need your prayers and we continue on this adventure of building our family.

Thank you for your prayers.  God is working through them in our family to prepare us and to prepare Jieling.  We have other news that we can't share yet, but in a couple of months we hope to be able to.

Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Journey as the same special need. It hasn't slowed her down! She is beautiful!
