Friday, July 13, 2012

Moms: Many are Called, Few are Chosen

Posted by Candace

"They" say that if you wait to have kids until you are in your late twenties and early thirties that you will be a much better parent and have much happier children.  I feel like I am a better parent this time around, but it has nothing to do with my age.  I think it has everything to do with experience.  Poor Jordan and Nathan were the "guinea pigs" for my improved parenting skills.  They taught me everything that I know today about how to take care of this new 2 year old.  I thought that it would be torture to go back to the age of diapers and naps and dependency on mom for everything, but it has surprisingly been blissful.  I know how to do this and that has changed my parenting mode from barely "surviving" to almost "thriving".

Every mother is called to be a mom, but not every mom is chosen to undertake the path that I have just been placed on. You cannot imagine how grateful we are that God is working this way in our family. When we began our process to find Kate, we thought that we were searching to complete our family with a daughter.  God, however, had other plans...or at least that is what we feel in our hearts.  We are currently praying for Him to open doors that lead to any children of ours around the world.  David asks me pretty much every day if I am ready to start the process again.  When I was little, I wanted to have 10 kids.  After I finished my pregnancy and labor with Jordan, I wanted to have 3.  After Nathan and his cleft palate woes along with Jordan's toddler years and David's new business, I was done.  After Kate, I wouldn't mind having 10. Seriously? Only God knows.  Where will the money come from?  I couldn't tell you.  How will the boys handle multiple new siblings from other countries?  No idea.  Why me?  If you know, please enlighten the rest of us.  I don't have answers, but I have a really amazing God who does.  As we watch Kate transform right before our eyes and realize that we are literally playing a part in the redemption of our great God, how can we not do this again...and again...and again for as long as He calls and continues to provide the resources, means, and open doors.  We might be crazy, but if we aren't doing something that involves risk for Jesus, than what are we really doing here. 

My vision for our family is that when it is complete, it will look a little bit like heaven...a family full of different colors and races, all uniting to worship the One True God.  I don't even know the next step at this point, but please pray that God will have His way in completing what He has started.  If this vision is to be fulfilled...if this is what we have been called to and chosen for, it will take a lot more than David and Candace Roberts.  So if in 10 years, you see us with our 10 kids on Facebook, don't be surprised, but also remember this post and give the glory where it is due.

1 comment:

  1. OH, I am so glad that I am not the only one who wants to do this over & over & over...again. The transformation is so unbelievably beautiful to watch. With love, quality care and medical attention our little girl has gone from blue, weak, scared, timid to a blossoming butterfly. She amazes me each and every day - and only God deserves the credit and glory for that.
    I will pray for both our families - that God gives us the clarity and means to follow through with His calling.
