Thursday, February 9, 2012

She's Ours!

Posted by Candace

So I received the call today right before David and I left on a 6 hour wine tour with the people on the trip we are on. I was very anxious about touring the vineyards, just because I am always anxious about anything I have never done before and "caves" had been mentioned :). As soon as Emily's number popped up, I knew. Tears came to my eyes before I answered the phone. Emily said, "Well, we got your letter." I lost it. Crying in a lobby full of people and trying to pull it together enough to talk to Emily, I could barely believe that the letter we had waited over 90 days for had finally come. And with it, a guarantee that Kate is our daughter!! She is our daughter! The enemy has no power over her life any longer! She will belong to us and we believe that she will also belong to Christ.
With this journey has come much waiting, but we have also battled. Since we got Kate's preapproval letter, the enemy has come against us with full forces. He started by trying to convince me that I was not a good mother. I almost believed him...HA! He has brought all kinds of fears, all kinds of worries, all kinds of lies about God not being big enough. Well, HEAR ME, DEVIL! You are finished! Christ is Lord of the Roberts' family and that now includes Katherine Hope. You stinkin' liar! You have to leave us alone. Yes, I am fighting mad! Maybe you don't believe in spiritual warfare, but we wrestle with principalities and powers....and we WIN! ALWAYS! Because greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world! The devil HATES adoption and he will do anything in his power to stop it. He hates the picture of Christ's love for us. Kate cannot deserve our love, she cannot earn it, and she cannot buy it. It is simply hers. It is hers because she exists. When she comes home, we have high hopes that she will accept our love. We cannot force her to, but if she does we will lavish it on her every day for the rest of her life. So it is with our God, He loves us in spite of our past and our present, and He hopes for a future for us that accepts that love wholeheartedly and without reserve. The enemy HATES this, so he does everything in his power to distract us, to shame us, to lift us up in human strength. He lies, he kills, he steals, he destroys...he wants us left abandoned on the steps of life at the mercy of his grip, but Christ has come to give us life and a home and a family and Kate is the picture of this. The enemy does not loose his grip easily, but he MUST loose his grip.
So I sit here tonight in front a warm fire in Napa Valley, CA completely amazed at our God's faithful never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on us...NEVER! I am so excited to see how God will use Kate's story to move people out of darkness into His marvelous light and from the domain of death into life everlasting. Can you imagine what God has planned for the life of this little girl? Can you imagine what God will do even in our boys' lives as they watch the real life results of adoption? Isn't He even now doing something in your heart through the story of this little girl on the other side of the world? I know that you cannot imagine what He is doing even now in us!
"I sought the Lord and He delivered me from all my fears... He is on my right hand, I shall NOT be moved."