Thursday, July 14, 2011

What in the World is Biometrics Anyway?

Posted by Candace

So we arrived back from West Palm Beach last week to letters that our biometrics appointments have been scheduled for July 19th. This is something that the Department of Immigration does to confirm that you really are who you say you are. It involves things like fingerprints, retinal scans, and sometimes even voice recognition and hand writing recognition. I have never in my life been important enough for the government to spend all this time on me, so I am a little overwhelmed at the thought. I think I might feel like I'm in a Mission Impossible movie when I walk into that office on Tuesday.

After the results of these scans tell our government that we are David and Candace Roberts, we should be receiving our CIS approval that we can add to our China dossier. Then once the docs are certified, they will be sent to China and the paperwork trimester will be over!!! I am soooo excited! Because that means in a few short weeks, we may be actually holding a picture of our little girl!

Yes, I said "girl", singular. After much prayer and consideration, we have decided that it will be a better transition and easier for our family if we do one little girl at a time. We are still open to whatever plan God has for us, but we are moving forward with one child. If God changes that, we will happily comply. In a word, I am relieved! One special needs child is a lot to handle. Two special needs toddlers might have been near impossible. I am so glad that God is so gracious to us, even in our zeal. David and I would love to provide every orphan out there with a home, but practically we need to start with one :). So we are waiting on Katherine Hope and if Sydney Grace happens to be her sister, we know God will work that out too.

I ordered a little girl suitcase with butterflies on a purple background for the trip to China. I am so excited to pack it that I almost started today, but I held myself back. Six months in advance is a little psycho for packing. Plus Jordan is attending his first ever summer camp this weekend and I need to help him pack for that. So I will keep patiently waiting. After all, good things come to those who wait! Waiting has been a theme this year...waiting to find out whether I have a new neice or nephew on the way, waiting to see what church we will end up attending in the future, waiting for decisions to be made at Ascend, waiting for Jordan to officially be in middle school (yes, I can certainly wait for that), and waiting for our little girl to come home! Lots of waiting, but they that wait upon the Lord, they renew their strength, and one day they mount up on wings like eagles. It is in the enduring that we find the hope, because after the promise is fulfilled we have no need of it. Right now, we are just enjoying the hoping, because He who started a good work in us will be faithful to complete it!

Pray for us that we will perservere and have wisdom and endurance for every journey that we are taking right now. We need your prayers. Also, please pray for Stasik and Danyk! We will continually be praying that they will find a permanent home. Thank you for following our journey and for uplifting us in your prayers!